I always try to see the bright side of every situation, but today is just one of those days. Life with a spinal cord injury is not all about good parking, and always having a place to sit. This shit is HARD! Just because I make it look easy does not mean it is. Remaining positive when you literally have zero control of your own body gets tough. Forgive me for having a bad day and being a little moody on occasion. This is how I vent, so here goes!
Imagine waking up every morning and having to wait for someone to help you get out of bed. My life revolves around waiting on people to help me. Imagine not wanting to ask for help because you don't want to bug your caregiver more than you already have. Imagine having to wait until someone is ready to help you with whatever because you rely on them to do anything and everything. I am beyond thankful for my caregivers who do everything for me. They get tired too. It has to be exhausting caring for someone's every need which is why I try my best to be understanding. I just get tired of feeling like I am burdening others by needing so much help.
Imagine constantly living with bladder infections because you have to use a catheter to pee. The one thing you need to live could be the very thing to take your life. Going septic from a bladder infection is very real. We can't constantly live on antibiotics, but who wants to feel like shit all of the time? I wonder if I even remember what it feels like to be 100% healthy. Imagine being terrified of catching a simple cold because you can't cough good, and it will likely turn into pneumonia.
Imagine having to constantly adjust positions, and make sure nothing is rubbing or poking you. Pressure sores are so deadly, and a thing we have to constantly worry about. Imagine being so uncomfortable in your wheelchair, but being denied modifications because they are not covered by insurance. I have been uncomfortable on my wheelchair cushion for months now, but insurance will not cover the test to see which cushion will be best for me. I was literally told I needed to have had major pressure sore surgery to get that test covered. So guess where I am on my way to? To my first pressure sore in 10 years.
Imagine living with constant pain, but constantly being told how lucky you are to be sitting all of the time. Imagine having a total working brain, but still being treated as a child because of society's ignorance about disabilities. Imagine strangers touching you asking if you can feel it. Imagine being reminded everyday of the worst day of your life because you are constantly reminded you are paralyzed. So please do forgive me for my bad days, but I am entitled to them.
The list goes on and on. I may make this life look easy, but I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.